Homepage Overview

Update Masthead (hero) Image

Update Our Story Section

Update Homepage video

Update/Edit 3 CTA sections on homepage


Add in an event


Add in new sermon

WordPress Basics

Update Rich Text Page: Add in pdf file, 3rd party link, add a form, add a button

Create a Gravity Form

Update main menu and footer menu

Update social icons

Image Sizes:

These are suggested images sizes. When uploading images to the site you will want to make sure all file sizes are small as large files will slow down the site. 

Homepage “Our Story” slider: Images should be 400px by 550px

Homepage Masthead Images: 1200px by 480px

Homepage CTA (Call to Action) Section: 500px by 350px

Interior Masthead Images: 1200px by 300px

Blog Post Images: 660px by 325px